wxerlang workups

A solution to the mid-run exit issue

On the page Coding the wx window Part 3, I mention that an unresolved issue was being able to exit (cancel) the GUIi mid-run, because my code for the Exit button did not function until the run had ended.  I received an email from Alan Gingras that provides a solution to this.  The code below is a modification of the final code version (wxcd08.erl), which is in the module wxcd08a.erl.  

-module(wxcd08a). -author("Doug Edmunds"). %% updated version of wxcd08, by Alan Gingras %% resolves exiting during mid-run -compile(export_all). -include_lib("wx/include/wx.hrl"). start() -> State = make_window(), loop (State), wx:destroy(). make_window() -> Server = wx:new(), Frame = wxFrame:new(Server, -1, "Countdown", [{size,{250, 150}}]), Panel = wxPanel:new(Frame), %% create widgets %% the order entered here does not control appearance T1001 = wxTextCtrl:new(Panel, 1001,[{value, "10"}]), %set default value ST2001 = wxStaticText:new(Panel, 2001,"Output Area",[]), B101 = wxButton:new(Panel, 101, [{label, "&Countdown"}]), B102 = wxButton:new(Panel, ?wxID_EXIT, [{label, "E&xit"}]), %%You can create sizers before or after the widgets that will go into them, but %%the widgets have to exist before they are added to sizer. OuterSizer = wxBoxSizer:new(?wxHORIZONTAL), MainSizer = wxBoxSizer:new(?wxVERTICAL), InputSizer = wxStaticBoxSizer:new(?wxHORIZONTAL, Panel, [{label, "Enter an integer"}]), ButtonSizer = wxBoxSizer:new(?wxHORIZONTAL), %% Note that the widget is added using the VARIABLE, not the ID. %% The order they are added here controls appearance. wxSizer:add(InputSizer, T1001, []), wxSizer:add(InputSizer, 40, 0, []), wxSizer:addSpacer(MainSizer, 10), %spacer wxSizer:add(MainSizer, InputSizer,[]), wxSizer:addSpacer(MainSizer, 5), %spacer wxSizer:add(MainSizer, ST2001, []), wxSizer:addSpacer(MainSizer, 10), %spacer wxSizer:add(ButtonSizer, B101, []), wxSizer:add(ButtonSizer, B102, []), wxSizer:add(MainSizer, ButtonSizer, []), wxSizer:addSpacer(OuterSizer, 20), % spacer wxSizer:add(OuterSizer, MainSizer, []), %% Now 'set' OuterSizer into the Panel wxPanel:setSizer(Panel, OuterSizer), wxFrame:show(Frame), % create two listeners wxFrame:connect( Frame, close_window), wxPanel:connect(Panel, command_button_clicked), %% the return value, which is stored in State {Frame, T1001, ST2001, self()}. loop(State) -> {Frame, T1001, ST2001, Pid} = State, % break State back down into its components io:format("--waiting in the loop--~n", []), % optional, feedback to the shell receive % a connection get the close_window signal % and sends this message to the server #wx{event=#wxClose{}} -> if Pid /= self() -> Pid ! { -1 }; true -> ok end, io:format("~p Closing window ~n",[self()]), %optional, goes to shell %now we use the reference to Frame wxWindow:destroy(Frame), %closes the window ok; % we exit the loop #wx{id = ?wxID_EXIT, event=#wxCommand{type = command_button_clicked} } -> %% {wx, ?wxID_EXIT, _,_,_} -> %this message is sent when the exit button (ID 102) is clicked %the other fields in the tuple are not important to us. if Pid /= self() -> Pid ! { -1 }; true -> ok end, io:format("~p Closing window ~n",[self()]), %optional, goes to shell wxWindow:destroy(Frame), ok; % we exit the loop #wx{id = 101, event=#wxCommand{type = command_button_clicked}} -> %this message is sent when the Countdown button (ID 101) is clicked T1001_val = wxTextCtrl:getValue(T1001), case is_valid_list_to_integer(T1001_val) of true -> T1001_int = list_to_integer(T1001_val), MyPid = self(), CntdwnPid = spawn( fun() -> cntdwn( T1001_int, MyPid ) end ); _ -> wxStaticText:setLabel(ST2001, "Only integers are allowed"), CntdwnPid = Pid end, loop( {Frame, T1001, ST2001, CntdwnPid } ); { 0 } -> OutputStr = "ZERO", wxStaticText:setLabel(ST2001, OutputStr), loop( State ); { N } -> OutputStr = integer_to_list(N), wxStaticText:setLabel(ST2001, OutputStr), loop( State ); Msg -> %everything else ends up here io:format("loop default triggered: Got ~n ~p ~n", [Msg]), loop(State) end. cntdwn( N, Pid ) when N > 0 -> % assumes N is an integer io:format("~w~n", [N]), Pid ! { N }, receive { -1 } -> io:format( "Cancelled~n" ), ok after 1000 -> cntdwn(N-1, Pid) end; cntdwn(_, Pid) -> io:format("ZERO~n"), Pid ! { 0 }, ok. is_valid_list_to_integer(Input) -> try list_to_integer(Input) of _An_integer -> true catch error: _Reason -> false %Reason is badarg end.

Thank you very much, Alan!


Bonus code

[To give you an idea of what you can do with wxerlang, here is some bonus code.  It is a computer "assistant" which you can use to do the mathematical card trick designed by Fitch Cheney in 1951 (Google him for articles about the trick) .  

The zip file includes the Erlang code and the article I read that described the logic. Download the zip file HERE.   If you want to actually see if the trick works, send me an email with the the output line and I will try to guess your hidden card. ]

card trick


Device Contexts examples

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Use device contexts to draw on the screen (line, points, text, etc)  without / without using widgets.  In addition to static examples, I have included an example where the user input changes the output.  Here are screen shots.


Line  Random Points Text Display Angle

Need help?

Need help building a wxErlang interface?

I'm available to develop the graphical front end for your Erlang project using wxErlang widgets. Contact me by email.  -- Doug Edmunds{jcomments off}

Using a behaviour approach

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The First Window tutorial used a loop/1 function to carry state around.  Another alternative is to use a behaviour model (wx_object behaviour), which works similar to a gen_server.   The code in this section is intended to show some details of how the behaviour model works.  

Radio Buttons

If using a loop model is adequate for your purposes, you can skip this section.  

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